Thursday, 5 March 2015

Tourists attraction sites

coral reef

Many coral reefs have already been destroyed because of global warming and things aren’t looking too good for the surviving ones. Carbon dioxide is absorbed by ocean water just like it is absorbed in fizzy drinks, making it more acidic and rendering corals unable to calcify their skeletons.
Marine specialists say corals and the species that inhabit them could be extinct by 2050 if a practical solution to global warming isn’t found really soon.

Glacier National Park
Glacier national park

Glacier National Park in Montana, USA is in danger of losing all its glaciers by 2030 scientist predict. Some of the park’s glaciers have melted to less than half their original size while other, smaller ones have melted completely.
Just so you can better understand how serious the problem is, you should know that in 1850 there were 150 glaciers in Glacier National Park, only 35 exist today.

Global warming is leaving its mark on the frozen lands of Alaska and tourists from all around the world are gathering there to watch it at work. Glaciers are crumbling into the water, the tundra is melting and the wildlife is trying to adjust to all the changes. Alaska is a preview of what’s going to happen soon if we don’t start taking things more seriously.
Polar bears are now an endangered species because they simply can’t cope with the climate changes, they’re simply not built to withstand such an increase in temperature. Food is harder to come-by and the melting ice caps cause them to drown.
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